Professional & Personal Reference

Go beyond what’s listed on the resume or disclosed during an interview.

One of the best indicators of how an individual will fit in to their new role is by having a conversation with former colleagues and managers. Professional references are found to be more honest, forthcoming and insightful when engaged with someone on behalf of a prospective employer, rather than the employer themselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gain valuable insight directly from former colleagues and managers
  • Validate and expand upon employment verification
  • Save your valuable time otherwise spent calling references

Employers find that over a third of applicants… generously embellish… their resume. Does your HR want to talk about it after the applicant’s hired or before?

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Gain a more in depth perspective on each applicant. 

Professional and personal references are key to gathering valuable performance insights, work ethic, character and reliability.

Especially beneficial when used in conjunction with an employment verification, professional and personal references can validate and expand upon details of past employment through open-ended, thought provoking questions. Employers find value in this service regardless of the industry or position.

  • icon-Open-ended-questionsOpen-ended questions

  • icon-Strength-and-weakness-insightStrength and weakness insight

  • icon-Customizable-questionnaireCustomizable questionnaire

  • icon-Professional-and-experienced-researchersProfessional and experienced researchers

Additional services related to Personal & Professional References include:

Education Verification

Employment Verification

Professional License & Certificate Verification

Medical Registries



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A professional background check can tell you what your applicant doesn't. Want to learn more?

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