Disputes and Reinvestigations

 When a report contains information that is inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, the applicant has the right to dispute the record, which allows our researchers to confirm the information was accurate as reported or correct the record on the report. This is the dispute process.

Maintaining a consistent dispute procedure is important to an employer, volunteer service or landlord’s compliance.

Ignoring the right of an applicant to dispute information contained on their report can result in penalties, fines and expensive defense litigation. As a prospective or current employer, volunteer service or landlord, certain obligations must be followed according to the FCRA. Those obligations related to the dispute process generally include:

  • icon-pillar-integrityProvide the applicant with a copy of the report when requested

  • icon-pillar-serviceFollow Adverse Action when a background check negatively influences your decision

  • icon-pillar-strategicInclude a copy of the FCRA Summary of Rights

  • icon-pillar-partnershipAllow applicants to dispute inaccuracies on their background check results

The purpose of a background check is to make an informed decision based on accurate information.

Through the dispute process, applicants are able to review their report, identify inaccuracies and take the necessary steps to reconcile the issue.

Select any of the below topics for additional details and definitions.

Allowing for a dispute any time Adverse Action is taken is an important, mandatory part of this process.
It’s important for applicants to provide adequate information to the Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) to aid in the dispute. We are happy to train your staff on what is needed for a dispute.
The FCRA restricts any CRA from charging fees to process a dispute. This is to encourage transparency and accuracy stewardship.
The FCRA permits up to 30 days to reconcile a dispute. This required turnaround is rolling when we need to obtain additional information from the applicant in order to proceed with a dispute.
All disputes are individually verified by our researchers regardless of the original source. This ensures the results of a reinvestigation are reliable and accurate.
An updated report is sent to both the employer, volunteer service or landlord as well as the applicant upon completion of the dispute reinvestigation.

Dispute Blogs

Compliance Series: Disputes

Compliance Series: Disputes

Background Check Dispute Process

Background Check Dispute Process

Adverse Action

Adverse Action

Whenever an employer uses a background check to make a decision that is not in favor of the...

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10 Commandments of Background Screening

10 Commandments of Background Screening

How to Dispute a Background Check [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Dispute a Background Check [INFOGRAPHIC]

When your applicant tells you something is wrong on their background report, what should you do?

Read Post


Employers are required to follow FCRA and local laws when running a background report. This includes allowing an applicant to file a dispute.

Keep up to date with local legislation, contact your attorney for legal advice, and let us know when you have a question.

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