Looking for an essential list of background screening terminology that will help keep you compliant?
Background screening has been in and out of the spotlight since becoming commonplace decades ago, but nothing compares to today!
Employers use Employment Eligibility Verification to confirm the identity of a new employee and verify he or she is eligible to be employed in the US.
An employer’s obligations under the FCRA carry many responsibilities from which a business may suffer financial and reputational loss if ignored.
HR is central to such much of a business' success. Your background checks fit in there too...
Employers have a choice of who to hire and who not to hire. They also have a choice in how their background checks are run.
There is a trick to background screening: know the essentials!
The Office of the Inspector General, or OIG, is essential for healthcare employers.
When something unfavorable is returned on your tenant’s background report, what do you do?
The difference between a background check and E-Verify is based on the purpose of each and surrounding regulations.