For those of us who hire seasonal employees, we're getting into one of two modes at the office: (1) Slow time to catch up on a few things, or (2)...
As an end user, you have a lot of impact when it comes to getting a background screen request off to a good start, trickling down to results,...
Running a background screen on current employees is just as valuable as running them on new hires. This important issue is brought to light when NY...
Have you ever submitted a background request and noticed a typo afterward?What did you do? Do you know what information might have been affected as...
Ban-The-Box is a growing trend with no signs of stopping. There are similarities among the various pieces of legislation that can help you...
Your applicant just told you something was incorrect on their report. Is it true or are they just trying to get the job? How do you make sure? What...
You’ve verified the applicant has a clean record, completed their education, is fully licensed, and is highly recommended by their former employers....
It’s important to review your current background screening program at regular intervals, focusing on any adding new products that may enhance your...
ad-verse ac-tion \ad-'vers 'ak-shən\ verb: In terms of background checks, an action that denies an individual employment, promotion, transfer, or...
By investigating an applicant’s history during the pre-employment background screening process, companies have the ability to gain insight into the...