Whenever a license impacts employment, Professional License Verifications are an essential part of a comprehensive background check.
Why spend time on calling a professional reference when hiring a new employee?
HR is central to such much of a business' success. Your background checks fit in there too...
When something unfavorable is returned on your tenant’s background report, what do you do?
The difference between a background check and E-Verify is based on the purpose of each and surrounding regulations.
What is a common mistake employers make when using criminal record background checks?
Why run an Address History background check?
A comprehensive background check provides complete and accurate information about an applicant, which is sufficient to then make an informed hiring...
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the point of a consent form?”
Who would have thought there’s so much to write about your applicant’s (or employee’s) name and how much it could impact the results of your...