Blog | Choice Screening | Background Screening

New Year Tasks for Background Screening Programs

Written by Vanessa Mitchell | Tuesday, 16 January 2024

As 2023 is in the rear-view mirror and we are looking forward to 2024, there may be a few background screening tasks you should prioritize to ensure you are compliant in the coming year.


FCRA Disclosure and Authorization

The New Year is a great time to ensure you are using the most current and up-to-date disclosures and authorizations. These can be accessed within the Choice Screening online consent form process. If you are not using our online consent form process, please reach out to your account manager to ensure your consent is current and updated.


Audit Your Background Screening Process

Create policies that are consistent and non-discriminatory. Evaluate your process to ensure you are up to date on compliance standards and industry regulations. Evaluate your turnaround times for efficiency. Utilize Choice Screening’s integrations as well as an ATS Integrations to streamline processes. For an easy-to-use How to audit guide, click here.


Form I-9 Internal Self Audit

Speaking of auditing internal practices, this would be a great time to Audit Your Form I-9 Process to ensure you are compliant and should be performed to review, evaluate, and improve hiring procedures.


Evaluate Your Background Check for a Gaping Hole.

You may be running the bare minimum in your background check to ensure compliance and safety. But do you have the full picture of your applicants? Consult with your account advisor to ensure you don’t have a gaping hole in your background checks.


Follow Us to Get Background Screening Legislative News!

Expect that the New Year will bring additional legislation for local and federal jurisdictions. Be sure you follow us to ensure you are in-the-know!






As a consumer reporting agency, we cannot act as your attorney or give you advice. This blog is informative and not all-encompassing. It is not meant to provide legal advice. You must consult qualified legal counsel to ensure you are maintaining a compliant background screening program.